The Versatile Blogger Award!

1 Sep


The Novel List is honored to have been nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award by Curious Kindle Reader . Thank you so much! Be sure to check them out.

How it works…

  1. Display the Award Certificate on your blog
  2. Announce your win with a post and thank the blogger who nominated you.
  3. Present 15 deserving bloggers with the award.
  4.  Link your nominees in the post and let them know of their nomination with a comment.
  5. Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

My 15 Nominations:

1) Penny Dreadful Books and Reviews

2) Holly’s Hot Reads

3) Fifty5Cents Book Blog

4) Books Are The New Black

5) Literati Book Reviews

6) Nightly Reading

7) Bookish Temptations

8) Cristina’s Book Reviews

9) slitsread

10) Romancing The Dark Side

11) Read More Sleep Less

12) The Librarian Who Doesn’t Say Shhh

13) The Book Addict’s Guide

14) Tynga’s Reviews

15) Book Nerds Anonymous

Awesome blogs by people who know their books! Check them out!

7 Facts About Me:

1) I have a notebook obsession. I see a pretty notebook, I buy it, and then I display it like people display their china dolls. And I absolutely do not write in them. Ever.

2) When I meet a person, in my head I try to match their personality to a book I’ve read, want to read, or have heard of.

3) I watch tv shows like a crazy person. My favorites right now are Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel, Dollhouse, Tru Calling, Criminal Minds, Bones, Elementary, The Ellen Degeneres Show, and some others I can’t think of right now.

4) I can’t do math to save my life.

5) I work out every morning for 45 minutes or else I feel like a sluggy zombie for the rest of the day,

6) I may or may not own a glass teddybear that looks like it’s bleeding and is stitched up. I may or may not have made it myself around October time. It may or may not scare potential friends when they come into my room and see it displayed. I may or may not have named her Isabel.

7) My bedside table always has at east 4 books stacked on top of each other, no matter how fast I try to read them all. Somehow, they just pile up.

Tell me what you thought!